
Although Minnesota does not have a specific law addressing shoplifting, crimes of theft are taken seriously and could result in a wide variety of penalties. The classification of the crime and the severity of the punishments are directly associated with the value of the property stolen.

In the state of Minnesota, shoplifting offenses range from misdemeanors all the way to felony offenses. Being convicted of shoplifting could lead to long-term employment problems and could result in a person being imprisoned, even if the stolen property was worth less than $1.00.

It is imperative to have an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting on your behalf and defending your rights.

Minnesota Shoplifting Lawyer

James Blumberg is a former prosecutor and has over a decade worth of experience successfully representing clients faced with allegations of shoplifting, theft, burglary, robbery, and a host of other property crimes.

With his office located in the heart of Apple Valley, Minnesota, Attorney Blumberg zealously represents clients throughout Dakota County, including, but not limited to, Eagan, Burnsville, and Lakeville. If you have been arrested or accused of shoplifting, contact James Blumberg Law at (952) 431-7758 or submit an online contact form to receive your free initial consultation.

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Shoplifting Laws in Minnesota

Under Minnesota Statute 609.52, a person may be charged with shoplifting (theft) when they intentionally take something of value from a store without paying it. The criminal act of shoplifting can also include carrying, hiding, or concealing, or manipulating merchandise with the intent of taking it or paying less for it.

In the state of Minnesota, shoplifting crimes can be charged as a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or a felony offense. The total assessed value of the goods allegedly stolen will play an important role in how a person is charged and also the range of punishments the person will be subjected to if convicted.

Minnesota Statute 609.52 assesses the “value” of stolen merchandise based on the item’s retail market value at the time of the theft, or if the retail market value cannot be ascertained, the cost of replacing the property within a reasonable time after the theft.

  • Property with combined value of less than $500 – misdemeanor – Fine up to $1,000, up to 90 days in jail
  • Property value more than $500 – $1,000 – gross misdemeanor –Fine up to $3,000, up to one year in jail
  • Property value more than $500 – $1,000 with prior theft conviction within past 5 years – Felony – Fine up to $10,000, up to 5 years in prison
  • Property value more than $1,000 – $5,000 – Felony – fine up to $10,000, up to five years in prison
  • Property value of more than $5,000 up to $35,000 or if property is an explosive or controlled substance (other than marijuana) – felony – fines up to $20,000, up to 10 years in prison
  • Property value more than $35,000 or if property is a firearm (regardless of value) – felony – Fines up to $100,000 and up to 20 years in prison

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Possession of Shoplifting Gear

In Minnesota, possessing materials used to defeat an electronic surveillance system in an effort to shoplift goods from a store is also a criminal offense.

Minnesota Statute 609.521 states that anyone in possession of any device, gear, or instrument designed to assist in shoplifting or defeating an electronic surveillance system with the intent to use the same to shoplift and thereby commit theft may be sentenced to imprisonment.

Being convicted of possessing shoplifting gear imposes a prison sentence of up to three years and up to a $5,000 fine, or both.

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Collateral Consequences of a Shoplifting Conviction

An individual convicted of shoplifting will face heavy fines and consequences that could affect their life for years to come. In fact, many persons convicted of theft-related crimes face the following:

  • Difficulty purchasing a home
  • Trouble applying for loans
  • Difficulty renting a home
  • Difficulty applying for school
  • Trouble obtaining or maintaining a job
  • Loss of professional rights

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Additional Resources

Apple Valley Police Department – Visit the official website of the Apple Valley Police Department of Minnesota to view crime statistics, report suspicious activity, access local regulations and enforcement and to stay engaged with the City of Apple Valley, Minnesota.

Apple Valley Police Department
7100 147th Street West
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: (952) 953-2700
Fax: (952) 953-2733

The Office of Minnesota Attorney General – Visit this website to access the resources made readily available by the Attorney General of Minnesota, including, filing a legal complaint and staying up to date with legal matters affecting your community.

The Office of Minnesota Attorney General
Lori Swanson
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1400
St. Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 296-3353

Minnesota Statutes: Shoplifting — Access the official website for the Minnesota Statutes to view how the state penalizes the crime of shoplifting. You can view penalties and definitions related to the crime.

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Apple Valley Shoplifting Lawyer | Dakota County, Minnesota

Shoplifting allegations may seem like a relatively harmless crime but it is a serious matter that could potentially rob you of your future and should not be taken lightly.

James Blumberg Law represents individuals facing shoplifting charges in West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Sunfish Lake, and the remainder of Dakota County, Minnesota.

Contact James Blumberg Law at (952) 431-7758 or submit an online form to schedule your free consultation and have your case reviewed by a seasoned Apple Valley, Minnesota criminal defense attorney.

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